Check Types

LIVCK offers various check types to monitor the availability and performance of your infrastructure. Each check type is designed to cater to different monitoring requirements. Here are examples of commonly used check types:

TCP Check

The TCP check monitors the availability of a TCP service on a specific destination IP and port. It verifies that the specified service is reachable and responsive. Here's an example configuration for a TCP check:

  • Name: DNS Server
  • Monitor Category: Infrastructure
  • Destination IP / Port:
  • Destination Port: 53
  • Description: Domain Name System
  • Interval: 1
  • Interval Unit: Minute

HTTP Check

The HTTP check allows you to monitor the availability and performance of a web server or website. It can verify the response status codes, check for specific content in the response, and more. Here's an example configuration for an HTTP check:


  • Name: Homepage
  • Monitor Category: Infrastructure
  • URL:
  • Description: Website
  • Interval: 1
  • Interval Unit: Minute


  • Method: GET/POST
  • Accepted Status Codes: [Add acceptable codes]
  • Rejected Status Codes: [Add rejected codes]
  • Accept 2xx Statuses: [Checkbox] Accept all status codes from 200 to 299
  • Skip SSL/TLS Validation: [Checkbox] When the SSL certificate is invalid, the monitor is marked as unavailable
  • Allow Redirects: [Checkbox] Allow redirects to other Websites / URLs


  • Header 1: Authorization: Basic 34i3j4iom2323==
  • [Add additional headers as needed]


  • Username: Administrator
  • Password: **********


  • Body: field1=LIVCK&field2=Monitoring


  • Response: API=OK

Manual Check

The Manual check allows you to create custom checks where the status is updated manually. It is useful for monitoring activities that cannot be automated or require human intervention. Here's an example configuration for a manual check:

  • Name: DDoS Protection
  • Monitor Category: Infrastructure


  • Status: OK/Vorfall
  • Beschreibung: Firewall

These are just a few examples of the check types available in LIVCK. Each check type has its own configuration options to cater to specific monitoring needs. Explore the LIVCK documentation for more details on configuring and utilizing different check types.

By utilizing the appropriate check types in LIVCK, you can effectively monitor and ensure the availability and performance of your infrastructure.